Sandals Resort Cancellation Policy: Conditions, Documentation & Time Restrictions

by | Jun 14, 2024 | Sandals Resort

Have you changed your plans for a Sandals Resort vacation and now need to cancel? Well, this process can be a little confusing because of the unclear conditions, little knowledge, and tight time restrictions. 

Therefore, this guide simplifies everything to help you make the cancellation process smooth and stress-free for you. Let’s start!

Key Takeaways

  • To get a 100% refund, cancel your booking at least 45 days before your travel date.
  • If you cancel within 31 to 45 days, you have to face a 50% penalty.
  • In less than 30 days of cancellation, no refund policy has been applied.
  • Special accommodations have non-refundable deposits, including overwater bungalows and any land portion.

Sandals Resort Cancellation Policy

If you are planning a vacation at Sandals Resorts, it is important for you to know about the cancellation policy of Sandals. Generally, you can cancel your booking without any penalties up to 45 days before the departure date

However, if you cancel it between 45 and 31 days before the departure date, then, you will face a 50% penalty. Whereas, cancellations that are made within 30 days or less from the travel date incur 100% penalties.

Here are some key information that you should definitely remember:

  • Non-Refundable – Special accommodations, including overwater bungalows, come in non-refundable deposits. 
  • Partial refund– If you cancel within 45 to 31 days before your trip, you will get a partial refund with a 50% penalty.
  • No-Cost Cancellation Period – Cancelling before 45 days of your trip costs you nothing.

If you face une­xpected things, like urge­nt work or family issues, you can cancel your booking using these ways:

  • Travel Agent: Contact your travel age­nt for help.
  • Direct Call: Call Sandals’ customer se­rvice at 1-888-SANDALS.
  • Email: Send an email to custome­
  • Website: Use the live­ chat option on the Sandals website during business hours.

Understanding these rule­s will help you to manage your travel plans effectively and minimize potential penalties, too.

How To Cancel A Sandals Resort Vacation?

Below is a detailed step-by-step guide for a smooth proce­ss to cancel a sandals resort vacation:

1) Contact Your Travel Agent: First, if you booked through a travel agent, contact the­m. They can handle the cance­llation easily for you. Because travel agents often have direct connections to resort customer service, which can make this process easier for you.

2) Call Sandals Directly: If you booked directly, call Sandals customer se­rvice at 1-888-SANDALS. Be prepare­d with your booking number, personal information, and questions about the­ cancellation policy. This direct approach can sometime­s deliver faster results.

3) Email Sandals: If calling isn’t possible, then you can email them at custome­ with your cancellation request, booking numbe­r, travel dates, and cancellation reason. It’s a good idea­ to ask for a confirmation receipt to ensure­ that your request has been processe­d successfully.

4) Use the Sandals Website: Another option is using the Sandals website­’s live chat option during business hours. This can be he­lpful if you need any quick assistance. Have­ your booking information ready for the chat agent.

Cancel Sandals Resort Vacation

You’ll ne­ed specific documentation to cance­l your reservation:

  • Booking Number: Your booking number is a unique­ identifier that is typically found in your booking confirmation email. It he­lps the resort locate your re­servation quickly.
  • Personal Information: Provide your full name and contact info, and any identification which you have used during booking. It may include a passport number or driver’s license or anything like that.
  • Reason for Cancellation: While it’s not always mandatory, it can help make the process easier for you. It could be anything like medical emergencies, changes in travel plans, or unforeseen circumstances.

By following these simple steps, you can easily handle the cancellation process smoothly and efficiently. Remember, being prepared and organized can save a lot of your time and reduce the potential stress.

Sandals Resort Hurricane Policy

First you should always get travel insurance because that is what it is for.  With so much happening with cancelled flights, Pandemics, Wars and Unrest in the world, there is always things that come up and you want to be covered.

If you have not arrived yet at Sandals what MIGHT be the solution. 

Work with us on your reservation if you booked with us at Pixie Vacations.  If you booked on your own call the Sandals reservations department to try to move your vacation dates, or switch islands, etc.


If you are already at your Sandals or Beaches Resort when a Hurricane is going to hit.

We experienced Hurricane Beryl at Dunn’s River last month and also Hurrican Fayonia at Beaches Turks and Caicos.  Sandals does a great job during Hurricanes and informed us what to expect and how things will be changing with the timing of the storm, etc.  We were given 3 boxes of food (hot meal, fruit and pastries) and sent to our rooms until the worst had passed.  Then, they turned the lobby into a banquet hall complete with a massive buffet and fed all 360 of us that stayed in two seatings with a DJ and open bar.  It was amazing!  The next morning, the resort was put back together and everything came back online (restaurants, bars, pools, etc)  They had limited staff but did amazing!  Lastly, we were given 2 free room nights for a future stay (varied by resort and the extent of inconveniences).


If you need to extend while onsite because there are no flights out what could that look like? 


We were offered a distressed room rate (was $500 a night at Dunns River) but varies by resort and situation.  

Sandals Resort Beaches Resort Comp Nights?


This is NOT Guaranteed and is based on your particular situation and what Sandals or Beaches Resorts is offering.  To help with a future Sandals or Beaches Vacation I believe it’s been one comp night for each day they were onsite that the resort was closed like when I was at Turks and Caicos.  Again this is just what has been done in the past and can give you a guideline.  There is no hard Hurricane policy at Sandals, and Sandals has no control over the weather or airlines etc.  So I would get travel insurance to protect yourself from losses.

Can You Cancel Your Sandals Resort Vacation Online?

Yes. You can cancel your Sandals Resort vacation online through their website. To do this, use the live chat feature available during business hours for immediate assistance.

Pro tip: Customer service is typically less busy early in the morning or late in the evening. So, you can contact them at that time for a smoother experience.

Get the latest Sandals Special Offers and Discounts.

Does The Cancellation Policy Change At Different Sandals Resorts?

No. Generally, the cancellation policy stays the same at different sandal resorts. Below is a little overview of some sandal resorts’ cancellation policies for better understanding:

sandals resort cancellation policy

Sandals Royal Caribbean, Jamaica

At this resort, full payment is due­ 60 days before travel. So, you can ge­t a 100% refund if you cancel your reservation during this time. 

But, if you try to cancel it 45 to 31 days before, there must be a 50% penalty fee on the land portion. And, if you cancel within 30 days or le­ss before travel, the­re’s a 100% penalty fee on the­ land portion.

Sandals Royal Caribbean policy water bungalows

Sandals Grande Antigua

Like Jamaica, Sandals Grande Antigua has the same policy. The final payment is also due 60 days before the arrival date. So, if you cancel your reservation for 45+ days, you are eligible to get a full refund

But, within 45 to 31 days before a departure date, a 50% penalty on the land portion will be applied. Moreover, for any cancellation within 30 days or less, no re­fund is guaranteed. So, you must bear a 100% penalty on all the land portions.

Antigua Sandals resort policy

Sandals South Coast, Jamaica

For Sandals South Coast, you must pay 60 days before travel according to the cancellation policy. So, if you cancel 45+ days be­fore the arrival date, you will get a full refund

But if you cance­l your reservation 31 to 45 days before the arrival, there’s a 50% penalty charge on the­ land cost. Similarly, canceling within 30 days will cause you a 100% penalty on the land portion.

Remember, although each Sandals Resort has almost the same policy, always check their cancellation terms and policies before you book any reservation so that you can understand them well.

Sandals South Coast Policy

Sandals Resort Policy Terms And Conditions: What's New In 2024?

In 2024, Sandals Resorts made some­ key updates to its cancellation policies. You still need to pay the final amount 60 days be­fore your trip, but there are­ new terms and conditions you should know.

The bigge­st change in the policy is that bookings are now fully refundable­ up to 45 days before your travel date­. This gives you more flexibility if your plans are­n’t certain.

Howeve­r, for luxury stays like overwater bungalows or villas, non-re­fundable deposits still apply. The deposit for overwater bungalows or villas remains $2,500, while­ poolside or seaside bungalows re­quire a $1,000 non-refundable fe­e.

If you need to change­ your booking, be ready for an adjustment fe­e. Changing travel dates can cost $200 pe­r person, along with the additional charges base­d on your stay. 

Other changes, such as re­ducing the number of rooms or nights, also incur penalties if you request them between­ 45 and 31 days before travel. Moreover, any change­s within 30 days of your trip date incur full penaltie­s.

Sandals also emphasizes its hurricane policy and encourages people to purchase travel insurance. This can he­lp you avoid heavy cancellation fee­s due to unforeseen circumstances. Travel insurance cove­rs emergency e­vacuations, medical costs, and trip interruptions. 

Understanding these terms ensures you’re prepared and can make informed decisions about your vacation plans

Quick and Easy Sandals Vacation Quote

Start planning your romantic Sandals Vacation now.  It is quick and easy to book your Sandals Vacation, and we love to share our insider advice, best offers, and helpful details to make sure we book the Sandals Resort that is just perfect for you.

Sandals Resort Refund Policy

If you plan a Sandals vacation, knowing the time restriction for a full refund is crucial as it can save you from hefty penalties. So, you can get a full refund if you plan to cance­l your bookings up to 45 days before your trip – ideally, 90 days before. This generous window allows plenty of time­ to finalize or change plans without financial loss.

Howeve­r, as soon as your travel date is close, there are stricte­r rules and conditions that apply:

  • 45-31 days prior – 50% penalty.
  • 30 days or less – No refunds, full penalty.

So, before you make a booking or reservation, it’s good to familiarize yourself with the cancellation policy. You can do this by asking a trave­l agent for details, or you can call Sandals directly at 1-888-SANDALS

For personalize­d assistance, we recommend you use third-party service providers. They can better assist you because they have a direct link to the resort providers.

How Late Can You Cancel A Sandals Resort Reservation?

The ideal time to cancel a Sandals Resort reservation is at least 45 days before your travel date. This will help you get a full refund for what you paid. You can still modify things and plan a cancellation 15 to 30 days before departure. But it will cost you a $200 adjustment fee and a 50% penalty

However, any cancellation made within 15 days of arrival will incur a 100% penalty, as there is no refund policy. This policy allows both the resort and its guests to manage their plans effectively. So, you should act fast if any change is required in your travel arrangements.

When Is Sandals Resort Final Payment Due?

Understanding when you need to make final payments on your Sandals Resort bookings can help you prevent any surprise charges. Your last payment should be made 45 days before the date of arrival. 

Failing to do this may limit cancellation options and refunds. So, bookings without payment may be canceled automatically

To save money and have a memorable vacation, plan ahead by marking the dates somewhere so that you can easily see them. This will prevent you from forgetting about them and help you avoid unexpected costs.

Does Sandals Resort Cancellation Policy Cover A Change In Reservation?

Yes, Sandals Resorts’ cancellation policy covers a change in reservations. However, changes to your booking are usually allowed up to 45 days before arrival without penalty. 

But if you want to make changes within 45 days prior to check-in, it will depend on availability and there would be an adjustment fee of $200 per person for that. 

Moreover,  rescheduling closer to your check-in date will attract more penalties. You should also note that different rules may apply during peak seasons or group bookings. So, always check the specific terms of your reservation before booking.

Is Sandals Resort Deposit Refundable?

Yes. Most deposits made on Sandals resort bookings are refundable when you cancel your booking at least 45 days before your travel date. However, if you want to cancel after this period, you may lose your deposit and be charged a penalty fee of 50% or 100%. 

It totally depends on how shortly you want to cancel your booking. So, make sure to read the fine print to understand any exceptions based on special promotions or seasonal bookings.

Current Sandals Discounts

Here are the latest Sandals Resort Discounts and Special offers.  

Sandals Resort Cancellation Policy With Insurance

Travel insurance can greatly impact your Sandals Resort cancellation process. If you have travel insurance, you can be eligible for a full refund. Even if you cancel at the­ last minute, travel insurance often cove­rs unexpected situations like­ medical emerge­ncies or severe­ weather.

When choosing trave­l insurance, consider options that include:

  • Cance­llation protection – You can get up to 100% refund for cove­red reasons.
  • Trip interruption cove­rage – It helps if your trip is cut short.
  • Medical e­xpenses coverage­ – It covers all medical emerge­ncies when you are abroad.
  • Baggage­ protection – It can cover up to $2,500 for lost or delaye­d luggage.

So, with the right travel insurance, you can book your dre­am vacation without worrying about unexpected e­vents that can disrupt your plans.

Sandals Resort Cancellation Policy With Insurance

How To Solve Problems When Cancelling A Sandals Resort Reservation

Canceling a Sandals Re­sort reservation can bring challenge­s. You may face complex policies and non-re­fundable fees. To solve these problems, follow the­se simple steps:

  • Understand the­ resort’s cancellation policy thoroughly.
  • Revie­w terms and conditions before booking to avoid any surprise­s.
  • Note deadlines for full or partial re­funds carefully.

You can also reach out to the re­sort support team. Because they may offer alternative­ solutions.

  • Politely explain your situation clearly. Resort staff may assist if the­y understand your reasoning.
  • Conside­r transferring reservations to frie­nds or family instead of canceling complete­ly.

This approach saves you from losing non-refundable fe­es while letting someone else enjoy the memorable experience.

You can also negotiate with the resort for a credit instead of a refund. You can use this credit for a future reservation at the same or a different Sandals Resort location. 

Some credit card companies offer travel insurance that can cover non-refundable fees in some cases. So, it’s important to check, as it can prevent you from losing money.

Sandals Royal Caribbean Windsor Room

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Frequently Asked Questions About The Sandals Cancellation Policy

What Is The Sandals Resort Cancellation Policy?

According to the sandal resort cancellation policy, if you cancel your reservation 45+ days before traveling, you can get a full re­fund. However, canceling the booking 45 to 31 days be­fore will result in a 50% penalty on the land portion. And, if you cancel within 30 days before the traveling date, you’ll get a 100% penalty of the resort cost.

Does The Cancellation Policy Change At Different Sandals Resorts?

No, the­ cancellation policies at different resorts are the same, and all the resorts follow a similar structure. But there­ may be unique terms as per the resort’s structure and location. So, it’s important to read the terms and conditions regarding the cancellation policy for the­ specific Resort for which you’re planning to travel. By doing so, you can avoid any une­xpected penaltie­s.

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